

Thu, 27 Apr 2017
from 7:30pm to 9:00pm

by (unknown)
Posted: over 7 years ago
Updated: over 7 years ago by Natalia Salzberg
Visible to: public

Time zone: Sydney
Reminder: 2 hours before
Ends: 09:00pm (duration is about 2 hours)

This is the last JA meeting for the 2016/2017 season.

According to our club constitution, at this meeting we must nominate and elect the Junior Activities Office Bearers and Director of JA for the 2017/2018 season.

Nomination sheets will be available at Presentation Day this Saturday.

Please put your hand up if you can volunteer for these positions or to support others in those positions from time to time – it takes a village to run Nippers!

Positions that need to be filled at this meeting are:

Director of Junior Activities – represents JA at board level and overall oversight of JA.

Administration Coordinator – overall coordination of registration activities, admin and data entry/management of Surfguard

Surf Education Coordinator – coordinate the delivery of the SLSA Surf Ed programme.

SRC Coordinator – coordinate the activities of the U14 pre and post SRC and coordinate transition to Cadets with the Director of Youth.

Age Manager Leader/Coordinator – Manage Age Manager recruitment, arrange Age Manager training and communications

Sunday Nippers Coordinator/Supervisor – Run the Sunday events.

Water Safety Supervisor – Ensure the water events are run safely and that bronze medallion holder quotas are met.

Junior Surf Sports Coordinator – Overall coordination of water sports competition, training and proficiencies

Water Sports Head Coach – Encourage, guide and prepare nippers to represent North Curly at water sports competitions

Sand Sports Coordinator – Overall coordination of beach sports competition and training

Sand Sports Head Coach – Encourage, guide and prepare nippers to represent North Curly at beach sports competitions

Finance Officer – work with the committee to develop the budget and manage income and expenses.

Sponsorships & fundraising Coordinator

Social Events Coordinator (eg Presentation Day)

Gear Steward (new) – make sure Nippers gear is looked after and in good condition for Sunday Nippers, Surf Ed, Training and Carnivals.

Each of these positions require a team to support them so if you have an area you are able to help with please register your interest at Presentation Day or by emailing nippers@nccslsc.com.au.


North Curl Curl SLSC


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